When Those Things Happen At The Perfect Moment

Saturday, April 26, 2014

I changed my major yesterday.
but I am scared. I'm scared of the look on peoples face when I say "I'm going to be studying…."
I'm scared of when I graduate I won't be able to find a job
I'm scared of wasting my time and money studying this

I know that it's what I'm supposed to be doing.
When I walked into the building and spoke to the advisor I had this sense of peace come over me. Or maybe I was just imagining it. Who knows.
But I don't care anymore. I'm chasing my passion. That is all that should count.

Maybe it will be hard trying to find a job as soon as I graduate, but I will find a job -
Maybe I won't be making as much money as some of my friends who are studying things that will actually give them a fat paycheck, but I will have money to survive off of.
As long as I am loving what I'm doing the payoff, in the end, will be the joy in my heart.

This morning I was still thinking about this whole 'changing my major thing' and came across this article on Tumblr.

It came and the perfect time.

Do me a favor and read the article. Also, do me a favor and look at this gif:

♥ misa

p.s) I know that I never mentioned what I changed it to. I gotta wait till I gain that little boast of confidence before I end up telling the world.

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  1. In the end, happiness is everything. I completely empathise with what you are saying.

    Good luck to you!
