What I'm Looking Forward To In The Next Few Weeks

Thursday, August 21, 2014

1. Meeting new people and hopefully making new friends
2. Creating more. Because I am taking only art classes this semester
3. Gaining confidence when it comes to my creativity
4. Working out again!! I guess you could say that this summer I took a big fat break from that
5. Merriment, The Honey Trees, & Sucre show. Kimmy my dear, we have like 2 weeks left!!!!!
6. Working less hours. yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
7. Maybe finding a new job?
8. Meeting with a special someone in the next few weeks. I don't know if I'm nervous or excited…or its probably a mixture of both :)
9. For the millionth (and hopefully last time) changing my major. dun dun dun
10. Hopefully getting cooler weather sooner than later. Please Houston, cool down to at least 80.

OHH YEAH, and how could I forget?!
11. Taylor Swifts new album! I don't think I have ever related to a song more than her new single. I dance to it at least once a day. "heartbreakers gonna break break break break break" ugh Taylor, you are my soul sister.

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  1. I know! I cannot wait, I'm hoping they have vinyls on sell. XD
    Also, if you have time in between classes on Monday we should meet up! I have a slot of time from 10 to 1. :3

    1. I'm sure they will! I'll probably be buying one of each haha.
      I'm going to text you!! xoxo
