2013, lets do this

Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Hello, hello! It has been forever since my last entry. Sorry. I have been SO busy these last couple of months. And most of us know that with busyness comes stress and you better believe I was filled with stress. I am so relieved that 2012 is over. Stepping into a new year is always so exciting and one of the most exciting things about a new year is creating resolutions. I made 10 this year and [hopefully] will achieve every one of them by the time 2014 comes along. Dang. 2014.

1. Redo my bedroom: My room needs new furniture so I am planning on selling all my current furniture in order to buy some cheaper items that are more useful to me. The stuff that I have now, I believe, is too bulky for my room

2. Be vegan once a week: Living down south and being hispanic - I knew this was going to be a hard one, but it is something that I have been thinking about doing for a while now. I am going to alternate through different days of the week that way each week will have a different day. I just hope those days dont fall on someones birthday party...or holidays. This is just going to be once a week, so it shouldnt be that hard. *crossing fingers*

3. Have some sort of adventure once a month: This one is going to be fun. I want to go out and explore somewhere I havent. This resolution is pretty vague. I can go anywhere out of town, in town, near town, and there is no time limit that I would be gone for. It could be for a day, weekend, or week. It just has to be somewhere that I have never been before.

4. Take more pictures: I need to take more pictures. I have never been a great photographer and I am not planning on becoming one. I just want to start documenting exciting and not so exciting things that happen in my life. I always have a camera around but I am just too lazy to whip it out and take a picture. So I am planning on taking one [or more] picture a day.

5. Devotional once a week: I need to do this. Towards the ending of this year I have seen myself slowly astray from my spiritual needs. This is not good, at all. I dont want to feel lonely this year and I have a feeling that this may happen. My best friend and I are going to do this one together. This resolution must be done.

6. Read twelve books (for fun): I sort of stole this one from my friend. But I stole it because its a good one! I want to read at least one book a month. Hopefully I can achieve this one.

7. BLOG MORE: Ahhh! This one I just have to do. I'm so tired of social networking sites, it always drives me crazy. As I said before, I feel that blogging is more personal and I can must express my creative side with everyone. I promise to blog more often. Even if no one reads this blog haha.

8. Eat alone more often: I finally ate by myself at a restaurant and felt okay about it. Trust me, this is a huge fear of mine that I conquered. I want to do this more often that way I can feel more comfortable about it.

9. Figure out some things: This resolution is a deep one. I want to figure out many things this year. For example, who I need to be in this life, what career I want to have, which people I still want in my life, and so many other deeper things. I am pretty much tired of the same life that I'm leading. This year needs to be the time of change and exploring other horizons.

*10. South Korea: Okaaaay, so this one is a maybe. I really want to go to south korea this summer to visit my cousin who is living there. It only depends on if I have the money in time and if my other cousin can come with me. I am definitely crossing my fingers about this one.

So there you have it. My resolutions and a little bit about each one.


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