Milky Chance

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Top 4 cool things that have happened to me while at work:
4. The surprising encounter with that guy from London
3. The small interaction that I had with Jeff Goldblum (please come back to me Jeff)
2. Meeting Milky Chance & being put on their guest list
1. That sweet incredibly handsome Canadian
*although 1 & 2 come pretty close to being at a tie.

If you follow me on instagram then you already know the story of me meeting Milky Chance. 
It was really cool and they were so sweet to have put me on their guest list. I'm so glad that I am the type of person that loves talking to people because if it wasn't for that then I would not have ever started a conversation with them and found out what band they were in. Those guys are sweet, thats for sure.
If you have never heard of them before then I suggest you do your ears a favor a listen them.
Buzzfest was fun. It wasn't really my type of scene but it was really cool to see Switchfoot & Young the Giant live. 

During the show I ran into one of my old guy friends from high school so that was nice to catch up on how we were. Then after, my sister and I were wandering around the area to find some place to eat. We spotted a really cool looking restaurant and decided to check it out. It turned out to be an amaaaaaaaaazing burger place. Literally the best burger I have ever had in my entire life. ENTIRE LIFE. I think it was called Burgerfi or something like that? You would think that they would have good wifi at a place with the word "fi" at the end….but actually their wifi was totally crap. 

This past weekend was seriously one of the coolest & most random. I really needed that. 

Anyways, I hope you all had a really good weekend :)

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