The Haircut

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Sometimes you need to just take a break from all forms of social networking.
I took a small break from this little blog, instagram, and snapchat. For the past couple of years I would fast from whatever it was that I was addicted to in the month of January. Normally it would be Facebook. Since I deleted that I'm now stuck with my one true love instagram. Well I was feeling the need to take a small break from all things that I share my life on. I think that we all need to do that every once in a while. I'm sure when January shows up I'll end up fasting Instagram for the full month...or sweets. Because goodness, I'm addicted to sugar.

Anyways. I had my interview that I was talking about in my last post and TOTALLY ROCKED IT! I was not expecting the building to be as nice as it was when I arrived and I felt super intimidated by being there because it was very classy and professional. My interview was just amazing. The people seemed to really like me and that made me feel really good about myself. Normally during interviews I get all nervous and awkward but I was feeling so confident that my nerves seemed to melt away. It was amazing. I sure do hope that I get to work there sometime within the next year. It could be in the summer, or the fall, or maybe not at all haha. But it would be a nice change to the early 4 am starbucks shifts and dealing with crazy customers who yell at you because you didn't put white mocha drizzle on top of their drink. Even though your drink is not supposed to come with the drizzle and you didn't pay extra for it so I'm not going to put it on. Then you cause a scene and for the first time I get feisty with a customer and could care less because deep down inside I know that I'm saving you from diabetes. But if you want diabetes then go right on ahead and keep yelling at your future baristas for something so stupid as not drizzling chocolate on your drink. Ugh people.
But I do really enjoy working at starbucks. As I have said before it has been one of the best part time jobs I have ever had.

For the past couple of weeks I have been feeling pretty low about some of the choices that I have been making in certain situations. Not that they were bad or anything but I was trying to be someone that I'm not and it started to hurt me deep down inside. So I decided that I needed to change this. I cut contact with some people who were causing these troubles and feel as though this gigantic weight has been lifted off from my chest. There is still a small bit of pain there but only time can heal it. My emotions have just been going crazy lately and I needed to take time to myself and listen to my heart. So I woke up one last thursday and decided that I needed some sort of change that would signify breaking up with these choices that I had been making. I thought a haircut would do just the trick. And I absolutely love it.

Cheers to short hair & being able to pull it off
& cheers to new beginnings and making the right choices

Thanksgiving '14

Wednesday, December 03, 2014

I can now say with 100% confidence that this Thanksgiving was one of the best that we have ever had. It was not perfect, but this is the first where we as a family, didn't feel sadness. Holidays for the past 3 years have not been so fun. About 3 years ago my dad passed away from colon cancer. That is something that I never really wrote on here or tell many people about because I hate the attention that comes with that news. Not having my dad around during the holidays flat out sucks. I hate it. There is nothing that I hate more than not having my dad to talk to.

I don't want to make this post sad so I'm writing all of that to say that this was the first time we didn't shed any tears…at least I didn't. Yes we kept the spirit of my father around and spoke of his memories but they were happy and laughter came about with those talks. It was a really nice time.

It started out with brunch at this french cafe in Houston with my uncle and his family and my grandmother. After brunch we went to the park for a few hours and talked about all the sweet things that are going on in our lives. We don't see my uncle and his wife very often so it was very nice to catch up. They have an adorable son who is the most handsome little thing. Once we left, we then headed off home and made our own Thanksgiving dinner. I made three pies (hell yeah). One of the recipes was from A Beautiful Mess and ohmygosh it was delish. It was a brownie pecan pie and literally one of the best pies I have ever eaten. I'm definitely making that again. Maybe next time I'll bake 5 of them because I could probably eat three in one sitting.
I didn't really take a bunch of pictures of food because honestly…all thanksgiving plates pretty much looks the same haha. Anyways, after that I had to drop my sister off at the mall because that girl was working black friday. That place was cray. Thank goodness I was there to just drop her off.
Once I got back home the rest of us watch the movie Ratatouille and fell asleep.
Then come 2 am I had to pick up my sister from her crazy black friday shift and went shopping myself ;) the mall wasn't as crazy as when I had dropped her off so I decided it was okay. I scored some amazing sales at Macy's. I bought a bunch of gifts for my mom and saved probably about $90 on everything…major. freaking. deal.

Life has been pretty hectic lately. My last day of classes is tomorrow and I have a final in the morning and one last critique in the evening. I'm pretty excited about all of it because I know I'm gonna ace that exam.
I signed up to take a class during the winter break and I already know I'm going to be SOOOO busy with working and taking a minimester. Blaaah this is going to be a crazy next few weeks.

Oh yeah! I have a job interview this tuesday. A REAL ADULT JOB INTERVIEW! This isn't one of those dumb little minimum wage part time jobs. This is a real deal/I can make this my career/I can most likely afford an apartment/I can most likely buy a new car/I can most likely afford grad school/I can for sure keep paying my tuition without taking out a loan/Am I even qualified enough for this job/I'm going to be surrounded by adults all day doing mature things/This job would look amazing on my resume. This job you guys…it would be a major stepping stone into the real world and becoming more of an adult. I don't really want to say much about it because for one, I don't want to jinx it and two, even though this job is pretty much in the palm of my hand I don't want to already assume that I got it.
If I were to get the job I wouldn't start until next summer or fall because they were willing to work around my school schedule. Since I already have my schedule for the spring semester they understood that I couldn't really change it.
I'm so nervous though because this is a real interview. Where I have to look extremely professional and be around intimidating higher level people and by higher level people I mean people who make tons of money. IM SO EXCITED AND NERVOUS AND I CANT WAIT. Even if I don't get this job at least I would have practiced my interviewing skills, so I'm excited for that as well.
I feel like the chances of me getting this job is maybe like 50/50. But I do for a fact know that the woman who wants me to work for her really reaaaaaally likes me. Aw man I'm making myself giddy.

I'm off to study. Hooray for completing another semester at UH and for doing it without being in debt!!!

The Good Day

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

today was one of those really really really good days. 
one of those perfect days
where everything aligned rightfully into its place.
where the smile didn't leave my face -
she did not slumber nor sag.
where the hair goddesses touched my scalp and said,
"today you're going to have a fantastic hair day"
"as a matter of fact, your hair will behave all week"
where the cool, crisp autumn air kissed my rosy cheeks.
where those beautiful blue eyes glanced over at me,
then for a slight moment I finally forgot about you.
you special, sweet, handsome you.
where I took those selfies and my cat sat perfectly in that spot.
where my Matisse came to life;
 I kept reviving it & will continue to revive it.
it was one of those days that I wish could repeat
over and over again.

Just The Week

Thursday, November 06, 2014

This week served me well. Extremely well.
It all started on Monday. Over the weekend I was working on this giant painting project and was so nervous to turn it in. It was three pieces which incorporated supplies from a hardware store, some of our favorite patterns, food wrappings, and we had to get our inspiration from a famous artist. I chose Sigmar Polke.
Those are my three creations. I painted on the largest canvas ever….well for me it was massive (36x48in). The smaller painting was inspired by the artist Matisse.
I'm an art student right now and haven't done a very good job at showing off my work on this blog and on every other social networking platform that I have. The reason, as stated before, was for negative judgement. Well what the freaking hell I need to get over it. So this is the start of me putting my artwork out there for random weirdos to see. Not that I'm calling my readers weird, but I mean, there has to be at least one weirdo reading this thing constantly. And by weirdo I mean creepy stalker guy. Cause I have had some of those in my past. Hello creepy stalker guy.
Anyways, I am SUPER PROUD of how all three turned out. I will post larger photos of each painting soon. annnnd I guess I'll post pictures of my other paintings from my last project.

I have been on a chai kick lately. For the past three weeks I have been drinking chai tea every. single. day. My friend told me that this ice cream parlor has a chai flavored ice cream that they made and of course I needed to check out this creation. It was heavenly. The ice cream was not only chai, but coconut AND dairy free!!!!!! I mean what more could I have wanted in ice cream?!
Oh by the way, the place is called Fat Cat Creamery. Really? The name has the word "cat" in there and they have cat pictures everywhere. This is pretty much the closest thing to Houston having its very own cat cafe. Man it is just too good to be true.

Oh yes, another reason why this week was good is because I made an A on this paper that I was working on and also scored an A on the test for the very same class. Basically I'm going to get an A at the end of the semester and basically I'm going to throw confetti and glitter at everyone that walks past me because we all just need to party about this.

Ohhh and how could I forget to mention that its also November which means No Shave November for men and that means by the end of this month I'm going to be basking in the glory of bearded men on every corner of Houston *insert emoji with happy face wearing sunglasses*
Picture from here:

& Thanksgiving is this month. Aaaaaah November you are off to a very good start. 

Oh October,

Saturday, November 01, 2014

October left me feeling very grateful for the people in the above photos. This is my little crew that I have been currently hanging out with on campus. I love that I can be myself around these three. There have been plenty of times that I have laughed till tears came rolling down my face and almost to the point of me peeing my pants. Especially my friend Anthony. That kid definitely knows how to get the biggest air of laughter out of me. It's friends like this that make me come back to reality and realize that I currently have some of the greatest people in my life right now. These past few years I have gone through losing friends, picking back up old friendships and gaining new ones. I can already tell that these three are most likely going to always stick around.
I met another famous person at work last weekend. I served Steve Baldwin his coffee! When he was ordering his drink I kept thinking to myself "this guy just looks way too familiar" I kept starring at him and he totally noticed I was creeping. When I handed him his iced coffee I asked him "who are you?" he then laughed and said "who are we all?" hahahah. He was a character thats for sure.
This month I had the pleasure of meeting some cool people at my job. Just another reason why I enjoy working in the airport so much. It's crazy to think that I haven't even been working there for a full year and I already pretty much have a notebook filled of the crazy beautiful memories that I have made while working there.
October totally felt like spring time. I wasn't complaining though because for a second I could have sworn that my birthday was just around the corner. But at least the weather cooled down. Ohhh and currently as I'm typing this I'm able to wear long sleeves and maaaan its just making me feel all jolly inside because I just love the crisp cold air so much.

My friend took me to this new cafe that just opened up in Houston. Basically its going to be my new home for the next few years because that place is freaking heavenly. The vibe in there was incredible. They did a really good job with designing the place and that says a lot coming from me.
Random: I just had to take a picture of this beautiful bearded man in there because hello, any man with a beautiful beard needs to be photographed and displayed for the world to see. Men & beards. Men & beards reading books. Men & beards acting goofy. *drools*heart eyes*drools*

I played cards against humanity for the first time this month and beat everyone. This was an amazing defeat because I never win at anything. It also proves that I'm a pretty hilarious person ;)

I ate fancy smancy pizza that I got for free. I was in luck day.

Went on many walks in my neighborhood, which isn't anything new. I love my neighborhood so much.

I painted and painting. On monday I have a huge project thats due and I'm soooo nervous about it. I think its turning out pretty cool. At least that is what people say when I asked them what they think. I hate that I get so nervous about my artwork. Blaaaaahhhh.
Then there was Halloween. Of course with my luck I had to work. So I decided to bring Halloween to Starbucks and try my best to pull off a cat. People kept telling me all day that they liked my cat ears, so I would say that I accomplished putting a smile on everyones face.

Thanks for being good to me October :)


Thursday, October 23, 2014

I was feeling so confident this day. I don't know if it was my outfit or my hair being pulled back into a low bun, which I never really do. Maybe it was because I was feeling like a little french lady in my black & white stripes. Who knows. All I know is that I was groovin and movin this day. 

Here is a quote for you all that I fell deeply in love with. It was written by everyones most beloved writer: 
"She was beautiful, but not like those girls in the magazines. She was beautiful, for the way she thought. She was beautiful, for the sparkle in her eyes when she talked about something she loved. She was beautiful, for her ability to make other people smile, even if she was sad. No, she wasn't beautiful for something as temporary as her looks. She was beautiful, deep down to her soul." 
- F. Scott Fitzgerald