The Good Day

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

today was one of those really really really good days. 
one of those perfect days
where everything aligned rightfully into its place.
where the smile didn't leave my face -
she did not slumber nor sag.
where the hair goddesses touched my scalp and said,
"today you're going to have a fantastic hair day"
"as a matter of fact, your hair will behave all week"
where the cool, crisp autumn air kissed my rosy cheeks.
where those beautiful blue eyes glanced over at me,
then for a slight moment I finally forgot about you.
you special, sweet, handsome you.
where I took those selfies and my cat sat perfectly in that spot.
where my Matisse came to life;
 I kept reviving it & will continue to revive it.
it was one of those days that I wish could repeat
over and over again.

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