Birthday Week

Thursday, April 09, 2015

I'm a little late on the birthday post. This year my day fell on Easter! The only time it had ever done that before was the day that I was born (I think). So that was something cool, having my birthday fall on a holiday. But as you can imagine it was a fun day filled with all of my favorite things/people. The whole week was amazing and there wasn't a second that went by that I didn't feel loved. I think I did a terrible job at trying to document all that happened last week but here are just some of the pictures that I took with my cell phone. I also made a little video the day of my birthday. Be aware of my bare naked face in the beginning. Why can't we all just be born beautiful and flawless without the need of makeup? Oh well, I am only human and thankfully the miracle of mascara and blush makes me look slightly better.

I'm not sure when I will be posting again. This month is coming at me full speed and is filled with so many tasks that I need to accomplish. Its packed with everything from homework, studies, writing papers, tests, creative projects, planning a party, maybe planning a vacation?, signing up for summer classes and fall classes, paying the rest of my tuition, maybe taking out my first loan?, HOPEFULLY GETTING A NEW JOB BECAUSE MAN I NEED A CHANGE, buying a new car?, looking at internships, and so many more things that are starting to freak me out. You can probably catch me on instagram for a bit, so I won't be too far away. But I will be back!! :)

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  1. Aww looks like you had a great birthday!

    Here's hoping 23 is your best year yet :-)
